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Chapter 5 Chapter 7

Trance's Gift - Chapter 6

Time: CY 10088 May 5166 – Day 3
Location: Bathsheba spaceport Highport district

"So waddaya think, John"

"I think it's a bad idea, Liza. Not just bad very bad. We're cops, we're supposed to uphold the law not break it. It doesn't matter if we're breaking it for good reasons. Once we do we're no better than those we're arresting."

Beka , Harper, Asagawo and Bailey were in the police headquarters cafeteria sitting at an isolated table, drinking what Bailey claimed was coffee and discussing the idea that Harper had come up with to put Fagin and Sikes out of business. Or rather Asagawo, Bailey, and Harper were drinking the coffee. Beka had taken one cautious taste and set the cup down. If anything it was even worse than the last cup she had had at headquarters. Trance was still aboard the Maru. Not only would she be safer there but Beka didn't want to risk Trance's heart being broken again. As far as Trance knew she and Harper were trying to get their cargo released.

"You know he's guilty as sin, John," argued Bailey. "And you know damn well that he's too well protected to be taken down by any ordinary means. So what are you going to do, just let him operate until he gets taken down by one of his rivals? How long will that be? If it ever happens at all."

Asagawo looked uncomfortable but stuck to his guns. "And if we do what then? It's a slippery slope, Liza. Once we start it will be easier to justify our actions the next time we're sure someone is guilty. How long before we decide we don't need definitive proof, just that we know someone's guilty?"

He waved his hand to encompass Beka and Harper. "I can understand it coming from these two. They haven't figured out what side of the law they belong on but I expected better than this from you."

"Damn it John, how many times have we had definitive proof against those two only to have it disappear." Bailey looked as if she was about to explode. "Look, I’m not suggesting that we make this standard procedure but even you have to admit that if we continue going by the book we’ll never be able to stop them. I don’t like this any more than you do but Mr. Harper’s plan is the best solution we have right now."

"I know that Liza but this goes against my oath to uphold the law and just about everything I’ve been taught."

Harper started to say something but stopped when Beka shook her head no and pointed at herself. He got the message 'let me do the talking.'

"We know which side of the law we belong on, Inspector," said Beka keeping her voice in a reasonable conversational tone. The last thing she wanted to do was give Asagawo an excuse to call off the operation before it ever got started. "Believe it or not we're on your side, but most of the time we don't operate on nice safe places like Bathsheba where the law exists to protect everyone and not just the rich. And sometimes life doesn't give you the luxury of choosing between right and wrong because sometimes life only gives you a choice between wrong and less wrong."

Before Asagawo could say anything Bailey continued to press her argument. "If you're honest with yourself John, you know that you'd kill Fagin in a heartbeat if you thought he was a threat to your family. Everyone on the force knows why you're so protective of the girls that work the port. They're extensions of your own girls. So here's my question for you. How many more Jennis and Grapes are you going to let him go through before you decide to stop him?"

Chapter 5 Chapter 7