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Chapter 6 Epilogue

Trance's Tale - Chapter 7

Trance's hideout was an abandoned restaurant in Highport. The restaurant had been sold to a group of developers who had planned to remodel and incorporate the restaurant into their conglomeration of restaurants, but the development project had gone broke when one of the partners embezzled the firm and the restaurant had been abandoned half way through the remodeling process. She and Concepcion had explored it one day wondering if it could be used as a hideout. They had spent an afternoon imagining themselves as dangerous criminals hiding from the law. Now it looked like the game had become reality.

The restaurant had two things to offer other than the fact that it was abandoned. The kitchen area still had running water which meant that thirst wouldn't be a problem. The second was that some of the glow tubes that most Highport establishments used for lighting still functioned. She wouldn't be spending the nights in complete darkness. She wouldn't be comfortable but she should be able to hide out for a while.

That was the good news. The bad news was that the food supply in her back pack was limited. Her money supply was even more limited, not that she dared to go outside and purchase any food. She was just going to have to stretch out what she had until a ship came in. Fortunately Concepcion had put Trance's communicator in the back pack. She would be able to contact the port authority and find out what ships were currently in port. All she had to do was lay low and things would work out.

A week later she wasn't so sure. She had finished the last of her food the day before and her stomach was complaining mightily. Fortunately there was a chance she might have a ride off planet. According to the port authority's ships in port recording four ships had arrived the night before. She went to the kitchen area of the restaurant and cleaned herself up as best she could, which thanks to the toiletries Jenni had provided was reasonably well. She then put on the dress Jenni had given her. It was time to leave. She was concerned about being recognized but fortunately hooded cloaks were currently in fashion. The cloak either Jenni or Concepcion had included would conceal her tail and hopefully the hood would conceal enough of her features so she would be taken for a dark complected Bathshebian. In any event she didn't have a choice in the matter. If she wanted to get off planet and away from Fagin and Sikes she was going to have to take the risk.

Deciding that arriving by public transport wold be safer than walking and would give her a bit more time to make herself presentable Trance used the little money she had to catch one of the public trams that ran to her old hunting grounds, the entertainment section located adjacent to the spaceport proper. Her main concern was that there would be a police person near her stop.

There weren't any in sight when she debarked so she stopped to think. Where would be the best place to start looking for someone who could give her what she needed. Ta regular crew member probably wouldn't be able to smuggle her aboard so she would have to find an officer who could bring her aboard openly. If she couldn't find someone she would have only one other option, to try to stow away on a vessel.

"Hold it right there, Grape." She felt a hand clamp down on her wrist. Turning around and fearing the worst she saw, almost to her relief, that it was one of the port police in civilian garb. She couldn't remember his name but she remembered his face. He had questioned her on several previous occasions with the questioning sessions always turning into fatherly advice about how she should go home and stay out of trouble.

"You're in a lot of trouble, Grape.

"I know. Being caught burglarizing a hotel room tends to do that."

"I don't mean that. Considering your age and you've no past record you'd probably only spend a couple of months in juvenile hall then be released to a foster family. I mean words out on the streets that Fagin is royally pissed off at you and he's told Sikes that if he can find you he can keep you. I'm going to need to take you in just to keep you safe."

"Safe for how long?" asked Trance. "The moment I'm released Sikes will be waiting for me. Do you think you could keep me safe then?"

The point was taken. The police officer looked uncomfortable as if he was deciding if he should spout some reassuring lies. Trance decided to press her advantage. "What you really need to do is protect Jenni and Concepcion. Fagin may go after them just to hurt me. Can you do that for me?"

"We'll do our best, Grape. You really weren't bad kids. You were a lot better than most of the others who worked the port area, but if Fagin or Sikes really wants them they'll get them if they stay here. Why aren't they with you?"

"I asked them to come with me. They said there was nothing for them out there." She gestured skyward as she said out there

"There's nothing for them if they stay here. Nothing for you either. Even if you do get away from Fagin and Sikes." He looked at the clothes she was wearing and the heavy makeup and shook his head sadly. "I hate to see you having to sell yourself for transportation off planet, but it's probably your only option right now. Your best chance to get a ride off Bathsheba is to go to the Midnight Wine. The Oberoi Line's Arosa Sun is in port. Their captain hangs out there. His name is Litner. He likes girls your age and you're attractive enough to get his attention. Oberoi doesn't have any regulations about their senior officers having guests but it doesn't like scandals, and Litner is unpopular enough with his crew that they would be more than happy to give them one, so he'll treat you well enough. Just be prepared to be dumped off before the Sun reaches her home port."

She remembered his name now, Asagawo. "Thanks Officer Asagawo," she said. "I'll do that. Remember your promise to watch out for Jenni and Concepcion."

The police officer started to release his grip on Trance then tightened it again. "I'll do my best but I want you to promise me something too," he said. "I want you to promise me that when you get away from here you're going to fly straight. Will you promise me that?"

Trance nodded her head in affirmation and the police officer released her wrist. "Clear skies, Grape."

"And safe landings, Officer Asagawo," returned Trance completing the farewell that was old before the first artificial satellite had been placed in orbit around Earth.

Trance made her way to the Midnight Wine. She was familiar with the location having worked it before in her days as a dipper. It seemed rather downscale for the captain of an FTA vessel but considering Litner's tastes it made sense. A lot of the younger girls worked the Midnight Wine because it was normally a hangout for the younger spacers.

There were a few patrons in the bar but it was too early for most of the girls who worked the bars to be out which was a good thing from Trance's point of view. She wouldn't have any competition and she was going to need to think up a way to approach Litner. She needed to convince him to take her off planet, not just to the nearest hotel.

Litner was easy enough to spot. He was sitting at the bar wearing a fancy flight suit with his company's logo embroidered on one breast and a hat with a captain's insignia on the counter beside him. He was also wearing a watch on one wrist which her practiced eye recognized as valuable. She sat down on the stool beside him and ordered a non alcoholic beverage. She could almost feel his eyes undressing her as she sipped her drink. She had had men stare at her before and while she had never taken any up on their offers it normally hadn't bothered her when they looked, but Litner made her feel dirty just sitting beside him.

After a few moments of letting him stare she made her move and dropped her communicator. She got off the bar stool and leaned over to pick it up letting Litner get a look at her cleavage as she did so. As she picked it up she feigned loosing her balance and stumbled into him. He automatically put his arms around her to steady her and when she stepped away from him he he got up off his stool.

"Well hello," said Litner. "You're all dressed up. Waiting for some special fellow?"

"You could say that," answered Trance, "but I'm not sure who that lucky fellow is yet."

Litner picked up on the hint immediately. "And what would it take to be that lucky fellow?" he asked.

"A ride off this planet," answered Trance.

Litner frowned that hadn't been the answer he was expecting.

Trance decided that the best approach would be the desperate and helpless one. It wouldn't be hard since she was desperate. She was feeling lightheaded from lack of food and it wouldn't be long before the word got out to Fagin and Sikes that she had been spotted at the spaceport trying to get a ride off planet.

"Please, Mister," she said. "You're the captain of a starship. Can you help me get out of here? I can work for passage. I'm a real hard worker."

"Just what are you willing to do to for passage?" said Litner.


"Anything?" There was an emphasis on the word.

"Anything," said Trance. She knew what anything was going to mean. Her skin almost crawled when Litner placed his hand on her arm.

The negotiations were abruptly interrupted by a third voice, a woman's. "You don't have to go that route if you don't want to, girl. You can earn passage on the Maru, and it will be work that you do in the vertical position, not lying on your back."

Trance turned her head in the direction of the new voice. A blonde haired woman in a worn pilot's flight suit was standing a few feet from them. Most unusually the woman was wearing a holstered pistol. While it wasn't strictly illegal to carry a firearm in the port, as long as it was carried openly, it was strongly discouraged. And as wearing one invariably attracted unwanted attention from the port police very few individuals did. If the woman was carrying one it meant that either she was a newcomer to the port or that she didn't care what the port authorities thought. Trance quickly decided that taking her offer couldn't be any worse than taking Litner's.

Litner began to bluster then stopped in mid sentence as the woman began to draw her weapon. He removed his hand from Trance's arm as if it had suddenly become red hot. As Litner removed his hand from Trance's arm, she removed the watch he had been wearing thinking it might be useful later.

"I think the girl has changed her mind," said the woman. "Why don't you find another bar to troll in?" Then, switching her attention to Trance, she said, "We're heading for Dawkinstown Drift. Will that be OK?"

"Anywhere away from here will be fine," said Trance.

"It's settled then; you 'll be working for me till we reach Dawkinstown. I'm Beka Valentine, captain of the Eureka Maru.

Chapter 6 Epilogue